
Lost Boy Dream

In my dream I was talking to a friend of mine and he was telling me about a boy who had gone "so far down" that I would have to descend to the centre of the earth to reach him...
I wondered to myself where exactly this boy had gone "down" to and in my dream mind, I figured it must be in a hole.
I said I would do it and asked where I could start (digging). He took me to a massive chasm in the earth and I looked down into it.
I thought 'there is no bottom to that hole'.
Then I said, "I'm not scared" and then he said, "Well I hope you make it." 

Cat Poo Dream

I was in a place with many rooms. People were boarding in these rooms and I was the caretaker. As I went around to check on each tenant, I found plops of cats poo laying around...on peoples steps and on the ground.

I was a little confused as no one owned a cat and I had not seen any cats around...anyway I got my mop and cleaned it all up. As I was washing it out in the laundry, an old friend of mine came in. She tried to take the mop and start rinsing it all out herself... I insisted for her to allow me to do it. I said, I am fully capable of doing this. 

You know that 97% of my mornings are filled with cleaning up poo. I can clean up a little bit of cat poo you know! She stood back and allowed me to continue in my duties. 

Severed Finger Dream

My husband was with me in a place... we were doing work of some kind. I hear him calling me and shouting my name for me to come quickly.
I run to him to find him cradling his left hand... blood was pouring down. I asked what happened? He said he's cut his finger.
I look and find his middle finger severed and dangling by a thin piece of skin. I grabbed a cloth, placed the top part of the finger back onto the stub and wrap it in the cloth to stop the bleeding.
We went straight to the hospital to get it reattached. When we got there it turned out to be a maternity hospital. I got distracted and went to see all the new babies. As I was looking at them a man walked up to me... I looked at him and directly asked him if he was ready for the Holy Spirit to come inside him. He said Yes.I prayed for him and then he asked how he would know that it happened for him... I replied, Oh you will know! As I said that this piece of wheat looking grass strand came out of his mouth. We stood there acknowledging  to each other that this was a sign that he had been filled.