I dreamt I won "27 hundred million dollars" in the Lotto.
In my dream mind I was thinking, how did that happen - I didn't even buy a ticket!
Either way, the number "TWENTY SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION" ... "TWENTY SEVEN HUNDRED MILLION"... kept ringing in my ears.
So I called my Grandma and told her - she was so overwhelmed that she had to lay down to take it all in :-)
Twenty: Tried and approved - fully redeemed / made holy (2=divided/separated... 10=Measured)
Seven: Complete, all finished, rest time
Hundred: Fullness, full measure, full reward
Million: Maturity, great amount of something, overflowing
**I won't post an interpretation on here, but I do want to show you how I look at the dream to see the symbols.
War Strategies Dream
Last night I had a dream that there was a war going on. I somehow had insight into what was going on on the ground (where they were fighting)... I could see they were getting badly beaten and I was concerned that they weren't evaluating the enemy right - their strategy to engage was all wrong.
I then had a scene play over and over about 3 times. The same scene. It was of a man who was being propelled through the air... he was heading for a large silo - grain holding type structure... he crashed through the "lid" of it and as he did the whole thing erupted into a large fire ball... like he had set the big bomb off.
As I said, I saw that scene repeatedly.
Then I was suddenly inside of an emergency boat in the ocean with a man who had been in there all night. It was still night time - it was very dark - but it was soon about to turn dawn.
I then had a scene play over and over about 3 times. The same scene. It was of a man who was being propelled through the air... he was heading for a large silo - grain holding type structure... he crashed through the "lid" of it and as he did the whole thing erupted into a large fire ball... like he had set the big bomb off.
As I said, I saw that scene repeatedly.
He had been floating all night - this was his war strategy.
I said, "This is very dangerous you know. You won't have any control if the tide turns and takes you out to deep sea."
He said, "I know. When the waves get bigger than a metre then you know you are out too far."
I thought well once you are out that far, how do you suppose you will get yourself back in? But I didn't say that. I just knew the strategy was flawed.
Then I was on the shore. I felt the sand. I was there with another person... another man. I looked up to see this structure around us like a dome type thing... this was his war strategy.
I could see all these cracks in the walls of this dome. I thought that the enemy would surely see those cracks and get through ... surely. I started up the sand dune to get to the side of the dome. I came to it, and it was easy enough for me to squeeze through the crack... so could the enemy.
I looked down to see the man say, take this and block the crack and it was a mirror.
As he said this I had this distinct feeling that I wasn't sure who the enemy was myself. I felt very suspicious that the 2 men I had been talking to were possibly part of the enemy and that the ridiculous war strategies were just them trying to trick the good guys into not being prepared enough for the coming attack.
Church Auditorium with a Pony who thought it was a Dog
I was on stage at the Storehouse Church. It was a large auditorium that seated 10,000's but as I was standing on stage with the microphone in hand, I quickly scanned the place and thought - 'We have around 1000 here tonight.'
I was speaking to the crowd and telling them we are here to worship God ... I was having problems with the Music/Media team that were underneath the seated crowd.
I walked around to the underground part of the auditorium to go and encourage the team to get it right... when I realised it was "time for the horses" to come out...
I came around the corner to where the horses were kept and the stallion was ready to go - prancing around and ready to trot onto stage, but the other horse was not ready.
As I came around the corner and saw the stallion, the pony was galloping toward me like a dog who was really happy to see me... I thought - 'This pony thinks it's a dog!' Then he lept up onto me and put its hooves onto my chest and wagged its tail like a dog would when their owner come home
I said, "You're a HORSE NOT A DOG!"
I was speaking to the crowd and telling them we are here to worship God ... I was having problems with the Music/Media team that were underneath the seated crowd.
I walked around to the underground part of the auditorium to go and encourage the team to get it right... when I realised it was "time for the horses" to come out...
I came around the corner to where the horses were kept and the stallion was ready to go - prancing around and ready to trot onto stage, but the other horse was not ready.
As I came around the corner and saw the stallion, the pony was galloping toward me like a dog who was really happy to see me... I thought - 'This pony thinks it's a dog!' Then he lept up onto me and put its hooves onto my chest and wagged its tail like a dog would when their owner come home
I said, "You're a HORSE NOT A DOG!"
Underground Water Bar
I dreamed I got into a lift and went down to the level underground.
The lift went down and the doors opened and I was immediately in the water up to my hips...
I thought to myself... that is really odd ...to act like that in a place like this... and as I thought that - he pulled his arms out from behind his back and rubbed his wrists and I realised that he had a pair of handcuffs on one wrist, and that he had just gotten free from his handcuffs.
The lift went down and the doors opened and I was immediately in the water up to my hips...
I walked over to what appeared to be a reception desk.. but when I got there I realised it was actually a bar where they were serving alcohol. I sat down on a stool that was underwater.
I looked over at a man who was sitting at the bar and saw him try to sip his cocktail Martini without using his hands. He bent over and sipped the drink with his hands behind his back.
I thought to myself... that is really odd ...to act like that in a place like this... and as I thought that - he pulled his arms out from behind his back and rubbed his wrists and I realised that he had a pair of handcuffs on one wrist, and that he had just gotten free from his handcuffs.
I felt concerned as to why he had handcuffs on in the first place. I looked around and saw a large open body of water with people sitting on a rig type structure waiting for a boat to come and pick them up.
Popped into a spiney ball and Trailer full of Firewood Dream
I dreamed that I was in the country - we were there on a "spiritual retreat".
A bunch of us were in the classroom - we were instructed to start quietly praying and speaking in tongues.
As I started speaking in tongues, I had a separate vision...
(aware of having vision in a dream).
In my vision I suddenly "popped" into a white spikey sea urchin type thing.
I looked very sharp and dangerous!
It frightened me that i had changed like that, so i willfully drew myself out of the vision and went straight over to my husband and began to cry on his shoulder.
He comforted me and the class finished.
We all made our way outside and to the intersection at the roadside.
We all were very close friends and I noticed the gorgous town we had the pleasure of being at...we all separated n went to our rooms.
I was looking out my window and I could see my Dad, unloading a pile of Fire Wood out the back of a full trailer. And my Mum was sitting on the edge of the trailer watching Dad.
Right at the end of my dream, my Mum quickly came to me and said, "What a shame about all that fire wood going to waste!"
A bunch of us were in the classroom - we were instructed to start quietly praying and speaking in tongues.
As I started speaking in tongues, I had a separate vision...
(aware of having vision in a dream).
In my vision I suddenly "popped" into a white spikey sea urchin type thing.
I looked very sharp and dangerous!
It frightened me that i had changed like that, so i willfully drew myself out of the vision and went straight over to my husband and began to cry on his shoulder.
He comforted me and the class finished.
We all made our way outside and to the intersection at the roadside.
We all were very close friends and I noticed the gorgous town we had the pleasure of being at...we all separated n went to our rooms.
I was looking out my window and I could see my Dad, unloading a pile of Fire Wood out the back of a full trailer. And my Mum was sitting on the edge of the trailer watching Dad.
Right at the end of my dream, my Mum quickly came to me and said, "What a shame about all that fire wood going to waste!"
Left holding the Money Bags Dream
I dreamed that our church decided to go to the beach. When we got there, there was "another church" meeting there. It was a very large crowd and I was a little unsure of settling there.
I was approached by the assistant who was being very loud and arrogant spouting off about how great they were ... I was trying to ignore him even though he was trying to tell me something. He realised that I wasn't going to listen to him so he retreated and went to get his senior leader to come and speak to me...
The senior leader invited us to join in their meeting. Now there were so many of his people on the shore that I was very concerned that if we mixed in too well we would lose our "Storehouse" identity.
I said, "We will sit together but remain separate." He said, "Ok."
We were all on the coast together when I realised that my husband was missing. He had taken our Tithe & Offering bags and made his way around the whole crowd taking up an Offering. He then bought it back to me giving me these absolutely full bulging bags of money!
I started to get upset because of the size of the offering.
I said, "We can't take this! It's mostly from the "other side"! ...
Steve said, "TAKE IT, it's ours!" ...
I said, "No! We have to do this right! We will go to the other sides leader and tell him what we have collected, then we will offer him to split it 50/50. We never even come close to this amount in our usual offering so we know it is mostly theirs anyway. We need to make them the offer."
Steve said, "Ok, let's do that."
So we went to look for the other side's leader and then we got lost, so I was left holding the big fat money bag!
I was approached by the assistant who was being very loud and arrogant spouting off about how great they were ... I was trying to ignore him even though he was trying to tell me something. He realised that I wasn't going to listen to him so he retreated and went to get his senior leader to come and speak to me...
The senior leader invited us to join in their meeting. Now there were so many of his people on the shore that I was very concerned that if we mixed in too well we would lose our "Storehouse" identity.
I said, "We will sit together but remain separate." He said, "Ok."
We were all on the coast together when I realised that my husband was missing. He had taken our Tithe & Offering bags and made his way around the whole crowd taking up an Offering. He then bought it back to me giving me these absolutely full bulging bags of money!
I started to get upset because of the size of the offering.
I said, "We can't take this! It's mostly from the "other side"! ...
Steve said, "TAKE IT, it's ours!" ...
I said, "No! We have to do this right! We will go to the other sides leader and tell him what we have collected, then we will offer him to split it 50/50. We never even come close to this amount in our usual offering so we know it is mostly theirs anyway. We need to make them the offer."
Steve said, "Ok, let's do that."
So we went to look for the other side's leader and then we got lost, so I was left holding the big fat money bag!
My Tropical Island Dream
I dreamed I was in my "Promised Land" and it looked like an island - a tropical island.
It was lush with trees and fruit and near the middle of the island was my house. It was well hidden by the vegetation.
There was no one else on my island except me and I had a fully working car and as much petrol as I needed. I decided to put up some banana palm leave branches sticking straight up from the bonnet of my car in case I had visitors so they could see where I was at on this large island.
It was lush with trees and fruit and near the middle of the island was my house. It was well hidden by the vegetation.
There was no one else on my island except me and I had a fully working car and as much petrol as I needed. I decided to put up some banana palm leave branches sticking straight up from the bonnet of my car in case I had visitors so they could see where I was at on this large island.
I went to my house and decided to make a fresh salad so I put some really bright green salad leaves into the bowl and then started to slice up some bright orange segments. They looked so yum and juicy!
I became aware of people making their way onto my island. I was in two minds about their presence. I didn't know if I wanted them there or not. I felt as though I was now hiding a bit. They got closer to the house and it felt like they thought it was "their" house. I felt very protective and was ready to fight if I had to.
Underwater Bible Dream
was standing at the rim of a large tank of water.
It was supposed to be fresh
but had been sitting for so long there was yucky stuff on the bottom.
had my favourite Bible in each hand and I jumped in without hesitation.
As I
did, the Bibles flew out of my hands and I lost them in the water as I was
going to the bottom of the tank.
prayed out loud that, "God, as You made the axe head float, please make my
Bibles float so I can recover them when I surface."
popped up to the surface and took a breath. I looked around the top of the
water and could only see one of my
Bibles floating.
I grabbed it grateful that it was there and
realised the other had sunk and was irretrievable.I
was a little sad... then I heard God say:
as the wood made the axe head float and the bitter water drinkable, so did that
Bible make this water fresh again."
White lights or Disco lights dream
I dreamt that my husband and I with our youngest son would go to this place to eat often. We would walk in and everything was always the same. We would order and eat and enjoy ourselves every time.
This time we went and the place had had a makeover. It was all pure white. So white it shone so bright I could hardly see around the place. It was so clean and shiny and bright that I was worried about how dirty we were.
The man who did the renovations walked in (in his work clothes) and grabbed something he needed. He asked if we were still going to stay for our food. I said, "Yes". Then he left to continue his work outside.
We were standing there a while longer and I was getting more and more agitated that we were messing up the place. My son was touching some beautiful flowers that were in a vase and my husband had sat down on the shining white lounge there. I was starting to fuss over us being out of place and wrecking this pure, perfect place.
My son then came across a side door and walked into it with a flower in his hand. I thought he would be in trouble, but a woman came out with a towel wrapped around her head and looking like she had just had a relaxing massage. She wasn't worried about my son at all. I was fussing. She was adoring him and taking the flower he offered her.
I decided this was just toooooo perfect for us to be around and I said to my husband that I wanted to leave and go to a place I used to know. (In my dream it was an old skate arena that I used to be a kids party hostess at).
We arrived at the skate arena and I went into the building. I said this is better for kids ... we can't wreck it here. So my husband went up to the DJ box while I went through to the kitchen to prepare some food.
The problem was that it was so dark there I could not see what I was doing. I called to Steve to turn the lights on and he kept trying but the only lights there were was flashing disco lights that confused me even more.
I started to get frustrated because I didn't know where we belonged!
This time we went and the place had had a makeover. It was all pure white. So white it shone so bright I could hardly see around the place. It was so clean and shiny and bright that I was worried about how dirty we were.
The man who did the renovations walked in (in his work clothes) and grabbed something he needed. He asked if we were still going to stay for our food. I said, "Yes". Then he left to continue his work outside.
We were standing there a while longer and I was getting more and more agitated that we were messing up the place. My son was touching some beautiful flowers that were in a vase and my husband had sat down on the shining white lounge there. I was starting to fuss over us being out of place and wrecking this pure, perfect place.
My son then came across a side door and walked into it with a flower in his hand. I thought he would be in trouble, but a woman came out with a towel wrapped around her head and looking like she had just had a relaxing massage. She wasn't worried about my son at all. I was fussing. She was adoring him and taking the flower he offered her.
I decided this was just toooooo perfect for us to be around and I said to my husband that I wanted to leave and go to a place I used to know. (In my dream it was an old skate arena that I used to be a kids party hostess at).
We arrived at the skate arena and I went into the building. I said this is better for kids ... we can't wreck it here. So my husband went up to the DJ box while I went through to the kitchen to prepare some food.
The problem was that it was so dark there I could not see what I was doing. I called to Steve to turn the lights on and he kept trying but the only lights there were was flashing disco lights that confused me even more.
I started to get frustrated because I didn't know where we belonged!
Old House, Caravan Park or Property Dream
dreamt that my husband and I had packed up our house and had all our belongings on
the back of a trailer.
were sitting in a barn type building at the down the back paddock of someone
else's property discussing what we were going to do about our living situation.
barn was fully decked out like a house but had a much bigger area for living...
large fellowship area.
said, "We could go to the Caravan Park and bring the kids up there?"
looked at me.
I replied back to myself, "Naa... I don't wanna live at a Caravan Park...
especially after what we had just been living in."
I said, "Well we haven't given the keys back to our old house, we can stay
there... it's not like the Real Estate made us leave... we wanted to."
said, "We will do what you want to do..."
said, "But we don't wanna go back there coz we've been there and we have
already packed and moved out and all our stuff is here."
whole while I fretting about where we are going to be, Steve is reclining
talking to all these people who just kept piling in. Many people... I was
thinking... I hope they know that this is not OUR home.
seemed like a big farm house that was not for living but for working.
Caravan Park?
![]() Old house? |
![]() |
or New Farm Property?
I don't usually add the interpretations, but I will for this one.....
House represents: There is an imminent move of God. A spiritual shift is about
to happen. There will be no collateral damage... we won't lose anything... but
there is going to be a change.
kids represents: The change is going to happen in our fellowship (and any other
that wants to catch the move of God) all who are Gods kids.
Caravan represents: Some of us who don't like change may look for an
alternative but this will only be temporary. (God will move us)
farm represents the field of ministry we are in... where we labour. God is
moving us to a field to labour in. It is not OUR property, it is God's
Old House represents: The farm seems to be a lot of work for some and some may
want to turn back and go back to what they know. The house they are comfortable
and familiar with.
dream is for this church - not my personal family and where we are going to
live, as it speaks of a farm house (CHURCH) and field that is for working in...
this is the (MISSION FIELD).
may be in some unfamiliar territory for a while and we may need to get used to
all the people piling in but if we are like Steve in my dream and we recline
and chill out we will realise ... what is happening is an amazing thing and
will become our new normal.
My husband and I went walking with my Mum. I said to her, I think we will move to this area. I think this is the area God wants us to be (where we were walking). We talked more...then I said, I want a house less than $320 per week in this area when it is time for us to move house.
Within 2 weeks a property became available in that area for $310 and we shifted within that week! We even broke lease 6 months early and was very minimally penalised! God is funny!
My husband and I went walking with my Mum. I said to her, I think we will move to this area. I think this is the area God wants us to be (where we were walking). We talked more...then I said, I want a house less than $320 per week in this area when it is time for us to move house.
Within 2 weeks a property became available in that area for $310 and we shifted within that week! We even broke lease 6 months early and was very minimally penalised! God is funny!
Preacher with disabled man attached to his arm...
I dreamt I went to a Christian Conference with my father in law. We sat up the back and watched 'how things were going'. We were looked at by some of the people that were in the crowd and appeared as though they didn't really like us there. The preacher was on the stage and he was trying to lead people in prayer for "Missionaries". He was telling the crowd, "Come on, start praying" but the crowd was confused and we all though the Preacher should be praying. I looked at Dad and we were both concerned.
Then I noticed the preacher had someone else attached to him. It looked like a "second him"... One real him and one "disabled him"... and the disabled him was attached to his forearm by its hand with very strong sticky tape. No one seemed to notice except me.
Dad and I decided to have a walk around the stalls (they were stalls that promote their different Christian causes). We came across one that offered horse rides and drinks after. The horses seems to be angry at each other and one even tried biting the other. I was thinking "Gee this isn't too safe".
As we were deciding what we were going to do whether to stay or leave... the preachers wife came walking toward us with the "disabled part of the preacher that was on the stage before." She walked up to us so close and I said, "He's not too well is he?" (He looked like a boy now and he was stuck with the sticky tape to her now) and she said, "NO he's not."
As she said that I stretched my arm out to place my palm onto his head and as I did this I said, "Blesssss...." and was going to pray for him... The wife pulled him away ans stood between us and said, "DON'T YOU PRAY!!"
I was shocked.
Then I noticed the preacher had someone else attached to him. It looked like a "second him"... One real him and one "disabled him"... and the disabled him was attached to his forearm by its hand with very strong sticky tape. No one seemed to notice except me.
Dad and I decided to have a walk around the stalls (they were stalls that promote their different Christian causes). We came across one that offered horse rides and drinks after. The horses seems to be angry at each other and one even tried biting the other. I was thinking "Gee this isn't too safe".
As we were deciding what we were going to do whether to stay or leave... the preachers wife came walking toward us with the "disabled part of the preacher that was on the stage before." She walked up to us so close and I said, "He's not too well is he?" (He looked like a boy now and he was stuck with the sticky tape to her now) and she said, "NO he's not."
As she said that I stretched my arm out to place my palm onto his head and as I did this I said, "Blesssss...." and was going to pray for him... The wife pulled him away ans stood between us and said, "DON'T YOU PRAY!!"
I was shocked.
Fire out the back!
I dreamt I was asleep and was awoken to knowing there was a fire outside.
I got up and looked out the back door to see a yellow, orange, red glow in the near distance.
I decided it was not too close and I was safe to go back to bed... so I did.
But when I got back in bed, I changed my mind and got back up to go and keep an eye on it. When I got to the back door I could see that some embers had blown into the backyard and sparked spot fires all over the yard. I grabbed the hose and turned the water on. It flowed nicely and I got all the fires put out.
I thought to myself, "I better check the front" so I made my way to the front yard.
I looked out and could see no fire at all ... not even in the distance. I decided it was too risky to leave it and went to collect the hose to bring it out the front "just in case".
As I was pulling the hose through the house out to the front, I realised the hose was tangled up.
I knew if I had to turn the water on that it would not flow and it would be dangerous. I needed to untangle the hose. That is how the dream ended, with me sitting out the front untangling the hose...
I got up and looked out the back door to see a yellow, orange, red glow in the near distance.
I decided it was not too close and I was safe to go back to bed... so I did.
But when I got back in bed, I changed my mind and got back up to go and keep an eye on it. When I got to the back door I could see that some embers had blown into the backyard and sparked spot fires all over the yard. I grabbed the hose and turned the water on. It flowed nicely and I got all the fires put out.
I thought to myself, "I better check the front" so I made my way to the front yard.
I looked out and could see no fire at all ... not even in the distance. I decided it was too risky to leave it and went to collect the hose to bring it out the front "just in case".
As I was pulling the hose through the house out to the front, I realised the hose was tangled up.
I knew if I had to turn the water on that it would not flow and it would be dangerous. I needed to untangle the hose. That is how the dream ended, with me sitting out the front untangling the hose...
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