
White lights or Disco lights dream

I dreamt that my husband and I with our youngest son would go to this place to eat often. We would walk in and everything was always the same. We would order and eat and enjoy ourselves every time.
This time we went and the place had had a makeover. It was all pure white. So white it shone so bright I could hardly see around the place. It was so clean and shiny and bright that I was worried about how dirty we were.
The man who did the renovations walked in (in his work clothes) and grabbed something he needed. He asked if we were still going to stay for our food. I said, "Yes". Then he left to continue his work outside.

We were standing there a while longer and I was getting more and more agitated that we were messing up the place. My son was touching some beautiful flowers that were in a vase and my husband had sat down on the shining white lounge there. I was starting to fuss over us being out of place and wrecking this pure, perfect place.

My son then came across a side door and walked into it with a flower in his hand. I thought he would be in trouble, but a woman came out with a towel wrapped around her head and looking like she had just had a relaxing massage. She wasn't worried about my son at all. I was fussing. She was adoring him and taking the flower he offered her.

I decided this was just toooooo perfect for us to be around and I said to my husband that I wanted to leave and go to a place I used to know. (In my dream it was an old skate arena that I used to be a kids party hostess at).

We arrived at the skate arena and I went into the building. I said this is better for kids ... we can't wreck it here. So my husband went up to the DJ box while I went through to the kitchen to prepare some food.
The problem was that it was so dark there I could not see what I was doing. I called to Steve to turn the lights on and he kept trying but the only lights there were was flashing disco lights that confused me even more.

I started to get frustrated because I didn't know where we belonged!

Old House, Caravan Park or Property Dream

I dreamt that my husband and I had packed up our house and had all our belongings on the back of a trailer.
We were sitting in a barn type building at the down the back paddock of someone else's property discussing what we were going to do about our living situation.
The barn was fully decked out like a house but had a much bigger area for living... large fellowship area.
I said, "We could go to the Caravan Park and bring the kids up there?"
He looked at me.
And I replied back to myself, "Naa... I don't wanna live at a Caravan Park... especially after what we had just been living in."
Then I said, "Well we haven't given the keys back to our old house, we can stay there... it's not like the Real Estate made us leave... we wanted to."
Steve said, "We will do what you want to do..."
I said, "But we don't wanna go back there coz we've been there and we have already packed and moved out and all our stuff is here."
The whole while I fretting about where we are going to be, Steve is reclining talking to all these people who just kept piling in. Many people... I was thinking... I hope they know that this is not OUR home.
It seemed like a big farm house that was not for living but for working.

Caravan Park?

Old house?
or New Farm Property?

I don't usually add the interpretations, but I will for this one.....

The Interpretation:
Moving House represents: There is an imminent move of God. A spiritual shift is about to happen. There will be no collateral damage... we won't lose anything... but there is going to be a change.
The kids represents: The change is going to happen in our fellowship (and any other that wants to catch the move of God) all who are Gods kids.
The Caravan represents: Some of us who don't like change may look for an alternative but this will only be temporary. (God will move us)
The farm represents the field of ministry we are in... where we labour. God is moving us to a field to labour in. It is not OUR property, it is God's property.
The Old House represents: The farm seems to be a lot of work for some and some may want to turn back and go back to what they know. The house they are comfortable and familiar with.
This dream is for this church - not my personal family and where we are going to live, as it speaks of a farm house (CHURCH) and field that is for working in... this is the (MISSION FIELD).

We may be in some unfamiliar territory for a while and we may need to get used to all the people piling in but if we are like Steve in my dream and we recline and chill out we will realise ... what is happening is an amazing thing and will become our new normal.

My husband and I went walking with my Mum. I said to her, I think we will move to this area. I think this is the area God wants us to be (where we were walking). We talked more...then I said, I want a house less than $320 per week in this area when it is time for us to move house.
Within 2 weeks a property became available in that area for $310 and we shifted within that week! We even broke lease 6 months early and was very minimally penalised! God is funny! 

Preacher with disabled man attached to his arm...

I dreamt I went to a Christian Conference with my father in law. We sat up the back and watched 'how things were going'. We were looked at  by some of the people that were in the crowd and appeared as though they didn't really like us there. The preacher was on the stage and he was trying to lead people in prayer for "Missionaries". He was telling the crowd, "Come on, start praying" but the crowd was confused and we all though the Preacher should be praying. I looked at Dad and we were both concerned.

Then I noticed the preacher had someone else attached to him. It looked like a "second him"... One real him and one "disabled him"... and the disabled him was attached to his forearm by its hand with very strong sticky tape. No one seemed to notice except me.

Dad and I decided to have a walk around the stalls (they were stalls that promote their different Christian causes). We came across one that offered horse rides and drinks after. The horses seems to be angry at each other and one even tried biting the other. I was thinking "Gee this isn't too safe".

As we were deciding what we were going to do whether to stay or leave... the preachers wife came walking toward us with the "disabled part of the preacher that was on the stage before." She walked up to us so close and I said, "He's not too well is he?" (He looked like a boy now and he was stuck with the sticky tape to her now) and she said, "NO he's not."

As she said that I stretched my arm out to place my palm onto his head and as I did this I said, "Blesssss...." and was going to pray for him... The wife pulled him away ans stood between us and said, "DON'T YOU PRAY!!"

I was shocked.