
Administrators Memo Dream

I was the Administrator in an office of Politicians. It was frustratingly impossible to run the office efficiently because every memo I put out continuously got overridden by a politician who did not understand the reason for my memo. It was like they thought that my memos were up for debate and I tried to explain to them that I was putting out MEMORANDUMS - reminders of things I wanted people to do...not drafting up POLICIES that would be open for discussion and changed to include everyone's individual desires.
It felt like the politicians thought they had a higher rank than me even though we had 2 completely different jobs in 2 separate areas of the same building. I needed to run my end a certain way so that they could do their job in their area their certain way but they felt like they had to advise me how to do my job when they weren't even trained in what my job was. We had to work together and respect that each knew how to do their own job and to submit to each other in according to the expertise required. 

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