
Left holding the Money Bags Dream

I dreamed that our church decided to go to the beach. When we got there, there was "another church" meeting there. It was a very large crowd and I was a little unsure of settling there.

 I was approached by the assistant who was being very loud and arrogant spouting off about how great they were ... I was trying to ignore him even though he was trying to tell me something. He realised that I wasn't going to listen to him so he retreated and went to get his senior leader to come and speak to me...

The senior leader invited us to join in their meeting. Now there were so many of his people on the shore that I was very concerned that if we mixed in too well we would lose our "Storehouse" identity.
I said, "We will sit together but remain separate." He said, "Ok."
We were all on the coast together when I realised that my husband was missing. He had taken our Tithe & Offering bags and made his way around the whole crowd taking up an Offering. He then bought it back to me giving me these absolutely full bulging bags of money!

I started to get upset because of the size of the offering.
I said, "We can't take this! It's mostly from the "other side"! ...
Steve said, "TAKE IT, it's ours!" ...
I said, "No! We have to do this right! We will go to the other sides leader and tell him what we have collected, then we will offer him to split it 50/50. We never even come close to this amount in our usual offering so we know it is mostly theirs anyway. We need to make them the offer."
Steve said, "Ok, let's do that."

So we went to look for the other side's leader and then we got lost, so I was left holding the big fat money bag!

My Tropical Island Dream

I dreamed I was in my "Promised Land" and it looked like an island - a tropical island.
It was lush with trees and fruit and near the middle of the island was my house. It was well hidden by the vegetation.

There was no one else on my island except me and I had a fully working car and as much petrol as I needed. I decided to put up some banana palm leave branches sticking straight up from the bonnet of my car in case I had visitors so they could see where I was at on this large island.

I went to my house and decided to make a fresh salad so I put some really bright green salad leaves into the bowl and then started to slice up some bright orange segments. They looked so yum and juicy!

I became aware of people making their way onto my island. I was in two minds about their presence. I didn't know if I wanted them there or not. I felt as though I was now hiding a bit. They got closer to the house and it felt like they thought it was "their" house. I felt very protective and was ready to fight if I had to.